Business & Organization Transformation

We deliver significant impact to organizations undergoing or anticipating profound change or facing strategic discontinuities or risks. We provide guidance drawn from deep expertise on leading the institution, structuring its operations and improving its performance, building organizational capabilities, and doing its work. We collaborate with our clients – sometimes over the course of years – to identify their challenges and then master the changes required for both short-term and long-term success.

Business Transformation

We work with clients who face major strategic discontinuities and risks to transform their business models. This transformation can take many different forms, such as a major repositioning of the customer value proposition; a move to a simpler, lower-cost operating model; or a fundamental change in the relationship with suppliers. A common theme is the need to run a major change program to see through this transition - which always requires significant upgrades in the capabilities of the business, usually over the course of several years.

Organization Transformation

Our Organization Transformation business works with C-suite leaders and business unit executives to design and implement large-scale transformation across the enterprise. We offer consulting services throughout the entire transformation process, including strategy execution, organizational review, implementation support, and attainment of measurable results to achieve a real and lasting impact.